Yeah, being home is great. : ) Aimee and I have had good catch-up time together (we watched Inglorious Basterds on Friday night - a totally sweet movie) over the past few weeks, I've been loaded up with plenty of work, and school is going well! I'm taking AutoCAD and Cellular Biology, living/working on InnerSea Discoveries' new boats the Wilderness Discoverer and Wilderness Adventurer, preparing for the Safari Spirit's shipyard period, and eventually I'll find some time to work on my truck. So busy would be an understatement, but I'm enjoying it. I haven't touched my cameras for nearly a month, but yesterday I picked up a little toy I'd been eyeing for awhile, and that got me to crack open the ol' Pelican case and toy around for a bit (see photos). Anywho, my battery is fading while I sit here in the Firehouse Coffee parking lot, so I'll leave it at that, and hopefully get some at-home internet by this time next month, when we move the boats to the West Wall in Fisherman's terminal.
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