I'm tired and should go to bed, but an alluring lens and a trixy grip have been toying with my patience for the last hour - and it must end. With fading visions of a road trip still tugging at my brain, I'm trying to divert my focus to something else. My 4runner didn't see any work today, but I did manage to spend a couple hours going through the big mess of tools, and I'd say I got 90% of it organized. Tomorrow Aimee is coming over for a photo session, and we're going to do some prep-work for a small project I'm shooting on Thursday afternoon - in addition to getting some pictures of our pimpin' Valentines Day outfits. I took my 2nd physics test today, covering projectile and centripital motion, in addition to work-energy and other Newtonian goodies - the test was evily long considering the time available, but I guess that's just life. No news on an incoming firewire 400 cord for downloading homevideos on to the computer, but the passenger window motor assembly for my Camry was mailed today, which is far overdue for replacement. The D70s hasn't gotten any better since returning home - my only guess is that it is as allergic to cats as I am. I've got it all bubble-wrapped for mailing off to Nikon (ungh, they take FOREVER to do repairs....), and as soon as I get the packing slip printed tomorrow I'll drop it off at UPS so that it is back in time for the AK season. Anywho, I'm punching out for now - it is too late to be up on a school night, and I have homework to do in the morning.
Cheers - Carpe Diem - Peace Yo,
PS - the photo is unrelated and taken a couple of winters ago while working in Baja - taken by Kevin Martin (click his name to see Kev's infrequently updated yet still impressive website... : )
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