Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mid-Week Update!

4Runner is alive! It limped down from the old garage at 526 N 102nd St to Fishermen's Terminal on two cylinders (I just found the problem this morning, a corroded connection on the injector power wires for cylinders 2 and 4, now it's running much better!), but is leaps and bounds better than she's ever been. Also, I just got back from the boat show with Aimee and Tyler, and I got to see lots of engines (which I'm in the market for currently) and all sorts of boat toys and gadgets. And it was good. : ) I'm leaving for Portland in the early morning in the Pimp Wagon, with my trials bike in the back, and my computer and photo files to boot! (I have to do some editing of images taken at Anita's birthday, which I said I'd have done tonight - dirr!). I'll be taking the upgrade class for my 200/500 ton Master's license, and after completing the course on Sunday I'll start the paperwork process of applying for my new license...which is always a fun experience...

Well, tis' all for now! Happy Thursday!


Strobist: 40-something" shoot-through umbrella top right (sb28 with ebay trigger, 1/8th), 40-something" shoot-through photoflex multi-disc bottom center (sb28 with ebay trigger, 1/16th), ISO200, F4, 50mm, 1/250sec, king size mattress with a gutter cleaning pole through the hem, and one good-lookin' couple. : ) No hair or rim light, as my 3rd light (sb600) fell from ceiling to steel deck this summer, and has yet to be repaired/replaced.

1 comment:

Aimee Fertman said...

I love this photo.... :)

p.s. it might be time to change your date to 2010.